Monday, April 16, 2018

Packing with Pets

I am beyond excited to be attending my very first BlogPaws conference in Kansas City, Missouri!  We are even taking our tripawd pooch, Penny, along.  She loves to travel.

Being the major organizational planner of the family, I actually started packing last week.  To me, planning ahead is crucial to having a successful and stress-free trip.  There is nothing worse than realizing halfway into the trip that you have forgotten something important.

Below are my top five tips to packing with pets:

1. Invest in a collapsible water dish. Not only will this save room in your suitcase, but the dishes are lightweight and portable making them the perfect solution for both indoor and outdoor use.  Many even come with a carabiner that you can clip onto your dog's leash or even your belt.  My husband and I are very wary about allowing our pups to drink from communal water bowls.  While I'm sure that those who provide such bowls have the best of intentions, these can quickly become a breeding ground for diseases.  You won't know how often the bowl is being cleaned or if the other pooches who are partaking are up to date on their vaccinations.  Play it safe and bring your own dish.

2.  Pack enough of your pet's food to last for the duration of the trip.  Many hotels boast that they offer five star dining for our furry companions.  The problem?  Suddenly switching up a dog's food can wreak havoc on their tiny tummies.  My husband and I experienced this first hand.  We were changing foods and despite my best efforts, Matt was convinced that if he just started feeding our pack the new food, everything would be fine.  Most of our pups handled the sudden change with ease.  But not our Dachshund, Hope.  I came home from work to find 12 different spots of doggy diarrhea throughout our house.  And this lasted for several days.  If you are looking to change your pet's food, be sure to slowly mix in the new food with the old over the course of several weeks until you pet's tummy has had a chance to adjust.  You don't want to have diarrhea in your car while traveling!

3.  Speaking of poo, don't forget the poop bags!  I can't tell you how many times I've seen fellow pet parents allow their dogs to poo in a public place and then walk away leaving a very unpleasant surprise for someone else to discover later.  Not only is this rude (and messy to clean up when it gets on your shoes) but it is very unsanitary.  Some pups like to snack on poo.  Imagine what would happen if your dog found a "snack" at a rest stop along your travels.  This could lead to a host of health issues if the pooping pooch is not current on vaccinations as well as heart worm preventatives.  Skip the trip to the animal hospital and pick up that poo.

4.   Don't forget the pet sunscreen!  Whether you plan to spend most of your time at the beach or on hiking trails, your furry companion is just as susceptible to sunburn as you are.  On both cats and dogs, their snouts as well as their ears are most likely to feel the burn.  My husband and I found a pet sunscreen that comes in stick form, almost like lip balm.  And don't forget about your pet's paw pads.  This tender area of the foot can also be scorched by the searing sun.  Beat the heat and enjoy cooling off with a treat.

5.  Always pack a copy of your pet's most recent medical records.  Some pet-friendly events even make this a requirement in order for your pets to be granted access to the event.  Rabies tags alone are not always deemed as valid proof of your pet's good health.  Since my husband and I have a rather large pack, I keep two separate binders filled with their medical records:  one for the dogs and one for the cats.  Each section is labeled with the pet's name so that I can locate the records quickly.  Having a copy of the most recent records on hand will be especially useful if (heaven forbid) your pet should become sick while on the road.  This will save the new vet precious time that would be spend calling your vet's office for the same information.  Be sure that the records include proof of a health examination as well as rabies and other booster vaccinations.

Safe travels and remember to enjoy the journey!

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